
Computing, in general, is a significant part of daily life and children should be at the forefront of new technology, whilst being encouraged to explore and build upon previous knowledge and skills. We intend provide a wealth of learning opportunities and transferrable skills explicitly within Computing lessons and across other curriculum subjects.

Our Intent
• To produce learners that can successfully access a range of technologies
• Gain experience of programmes they may require an aptitude for in later life.
• Ensure computing lessons in school observe progression.
• Our EYFS will provide a foundation for children’s computing skills and understanding, by exploring age appropriate resources. Although Technology is no longer an EYFS Goal we still believe that it is vital that children are exposed to this.
• To teach children appropriate technical vocabulary that will enable a good understanding of digital resources
• Continually upskill and develop teacher subject knowledge as technology changes.
• Invest in up to date technologies and software to support teaching and learning.