Hot off the Press
We love sharing our joy with the people of Sunderland and when we can we get in touch with the Sunderland Echo and work with our local council.
Here are some of our special moments!
Supporting Epilepsy Awareness Day
We supported Epilepsy Awareness day on the 25th March. We all came into school dressed in purple.

British Science Week
We all enjoyed being SUPER scientists during British Science week! The theme for British Science week was Growth so we decided to look at ‘Growth for the Future’ and focus on a special part of building a better future that is close to our hearts….. Protecting our oceans. We worked with Seascapes, learning what a ‘good beach’ and a ‘bad beach’ looked like and even managed to have a go at a little beach clean up in the classroom.

The local Coastal Ranger met Mrs Elliot’s class at Ryhope Beach, where they carried out a beach clean and discussed how to look after our beaches.

Rockpool School came into school to work with Reception and Nursery. They had a great time learning about some fascinating creatures and they were all brave enough to hold them!!

Year 2 then finished the week off with an exciting visit to the Centre for Life….

World Book Day
We had a great day celebrating World Book Day and we loved coming into school dressed as our favourite story characters. Our day was focused on books that we LOVE to read, some of our favourites are The Gruffalo, Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell and Pirates Love Underpants.

The Pit Pony
We were so delighted that our wonderful project, ‘The Pit Pony’, made it into the Sunderland Echo! You can read the full article via The Sunderland Echo page.

Christmas Performances
At Christmas we always put on fantastic shows for our families. You can see the full article and extra photos on The Sunderland Echo page.

Community Christmas Window.
We took part in the Sunderland City Council Christmas Window Competition, the whole school worked together to make various parts, to make a beautiful nativity scene for one of our local community shops, The Bread Basket.

Bringing smiles to the community through lockdown.
As a staff, our teachers all came together to make a video to send out to children and their families. We really did make everyone who watched it smile. You can read about it on The Sunderland Echo page.